Bonsoir monde!
Here are several music videos that have defined my life thus far. Some are literal, some are figurative, others pertain just to the video, well others pertain only symbolically. In time more will be added. A common theme in the ones prior to 2009 is the sense of hope and optimism that they imply. Consider the statement, "yeah, you're a larva now, but one day you'll be a flying dragonfly or ... maybe a fly, but at least you'll have wings". The sense of implied hope still lingers there. Regardless of the outcome, you grow up from being a larva into something different. You're no longer a child; you're an actual real life breathing, talking, living, 'loving-making', adults. That's the whole point. Today some might disagree that I still hold these attributes (of implied hope and optimism*), but I consider them wrong. On the inside I still hope for a better tomorrow. I just have to take care of myself first and loved ones prior. Isn't there a widely accepted quote that talks about this somewhere? I'll buy.
I think that deep down inside, I wouldn't be the person I am today without this sense (of implied hope.. and optimism*). Honestly, I believe that. As 2009 comes by, the videos show the tendencies that college life has put upon me. In essence, I used to be the poetic-idealist type. Even though I never wanted to be, and I was at odds with old friends from the past about this. College has placed wrinkles underneath my eyes, and a realistic expectation of the world in front of me as it is today. You won't get rich by winning the lottery, and you won't solve social-political issues by banging on drums, living a simple middle class life, or simply wishing for a peaceful tomorrow. You actually have to work for something you desire for. I've spend countless hours at night, coding, or solving integral problems simply because that's how long it would take me. Never was I the fastest at any one thing, so it always took a bit more time until proficiency kicked in. These are the skills I plan to use to make my impact on the world someday. How great it'll be I don't know, but I wish for there to be something. If the intentions become good or bad will be strictly subjective as to who gets asked.
Towards the year 2010, the videos revolve around my personal life. I went skiing for the first time in the spring. It was a great experience: so great that my colleagues and I went back for a 2nd trip several weeks later. For this year, I won't get into too many specifics, but it has been a very personal year. It's not over yet though. November is yet to finish, and December will leave me with several free weeks to contemplating how I'll get my future plans rolling. For the time being, finals will be coming up soon, and I'm in charge of money gathering for a collegiate chapter of the Society of Women Engineers at my school. I guess my time will be divided between two different feats. Winter break will come soon enough though. I'll reward myself with something special when I reach then.
"Will [a] person be satisfied merely to exist, or seek a meaningful purpose?"
-Hoby O'Brian
Winter 10':
Fall 10':
Early Valentine
Summer 10':
Spring 10':
To be determined
Fall '09:
Summer '09
Crazy Life
Spring '09:
Iron Eyes Cody
Summer '08:
Thanks mom!
-Hope you enjoyed going through the songs