Saturday, November 10, 2012
Liquid Soap Dispenser? : A Ported Entry
Another project.
Here's an actual photo! Google isn't letting me insert a jpeg outside of my G-drive.. so.. "img src ="br />
It's a photo that was uploaded to my twitter (or technically to bucketphoto) back in August. I never really went around to doing something with it. It's just been sitting on my table top all this time. It's the micro controller to a liquid soap dispenser (LSD). LSD's are cheap now-a-days. Cheap as in, 10-15 USD depending on the brand/model. The lame thing about this LSD was that we had it in the house for not more than a few months before this chemical attack to the interior happened. The batteries consequently leaked out, but this might have been due to a different cause? After having it sit in the kitchen idle for so long, the soap within the pipes and components dried out and cogged the system. I needed to disassemble it to clean out the soap and used a needle to clear out the nozzle piece. Actually it turned out I only needed to remove a membrane covering it and rush water in. Weird enough, after I scrapped off the "rust" and made a connection with some new batteries, the motor works.. or at least it wiggles, but it does so based on a preset value it's stuck on. Neither of the switches seem to adjust this. The LSD can manage to pump water out through the nozzle, but the pump pressure isn't high enough to yield us some actual liquid soap. I guess if we diluted the thing some.. Nay! I will not be forced to live life with diluted soap! I need a replacement augmented microcontroller. I can probably still use some of the components already on the chip. I think it's just the plastic on the board that's ruined. But the exposed copper is also rusted..
So I have a theory:
on top by the output nozzle there is an IR emitter. By the base on top of the two buttons of the LSD there's an IR sensor. When a person puts a hand to request for soap the LSD reads this by some discontinuity in its reading. Or maybe this is in reverse?
Found this video. Turns out my product comes from a company calling itself "Simplehuman," they make kitchen appliances. My model is the ST1008, the circuit was created back, at most in, 2010 though. I think I'll keep the peripherals, do away with their main circuit, and replace it with something holding an Atmel AVR microcontroller.
2nd theory: Recalling form memory, the bottom LED, or LED#1 serves as an indicator. LED#2 is definitely IR though. But there's a 2nd element on the auxiliary PCB of a type I don't recognize. serial # 503504-00-01. Also, I'm not sure what the 2nd IC on the main PCB is for. It's probably a H-bridge of some type. The main PCB also has a 4 hole-ed portion labeled "J2". I'm thinking ST1008 uses a generic PCB design. It looks that this model doesn't use that portion maybe, and therefore some of the resistors embedded don't really do anything? Or another theory, maybe J2 is a spot designated for a programmer to come in to prepare the main IC? It probably still works. I don't think anything on the PCB has been shorted, only disconnected due to the chemical attack that diffused through it. LED#1 is no longer turning on though. A multimeter does read a potential difference across it. I might be able to just replicating the whole PCB board again, but I really wanted to develop something from scratch. That auxiliary PCB is still an issue. Portion "J3" - I'll need to prototype with a breadboard and see what values come out as I run current through the leads. Or maybe I'll just use an Arudino for this since it's what I'm already more familiar with.
Textual Update: A Ported Entry
Photos, I believe people love to see photos..
Some updates concerning proposed blog entries/project topics.
Team isn't doing the car buying analysis. We're pretending to finance a fake toy operation now. We just grabbed/sky-blued numbers for raw materials needed from around the interweb and we plan to do a series of present worth analysis-s on it based on assumed minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR) values. Our progress report isn't due for another week or two (need to double check on this). Basically, we're mass producing a differential-drive toy robots on two assumptions (labor intensive and with capital investments on some hardware). Again, it's a fake on-paper analysis made with many assumptions. Professor basically told us to sky blue any numbers we have a hard time getting access to and to focus more on the analysis/spreadsheet comparisons. Let it be so.
The ratchet group project for my ME440 class is done and over with. I'm not particularly proud of it, and am somewhat reluctant to even speak of it more. I think our group got the highest score on it, but this was more or less based on our presentation (write-up/ and group presentation) of it as opposed to its real world functionality. I brought a carrot in during presentation day (this is irreverent information). A week ago (or two?) we made a 1:2 scale model with a rapid prototype with ABS plastic. It had.. issues. Which were addressed, but like stated, I'm not particularly proud of it.We did however, make springs. Almost "hand-made" with the assistance of a power drill. These weren't heat tempered or anything, we just rolled up guitar strings around a metal (bronze) stick with a hole in it. Working on the prototype in the Mendenhall/Machine Shop in TBE was pretty neat. I rarely go in there these days, and this gave me an excuse to look through the hardware and play around with the drill press some. A flesh wound on my right pointer finger now gives memories of this recent experience.
We do have a nice, privileged machine shop for the "elite" to use. But undergrads aren't allowed in there. Personally, I was told it's usually us who break stuff. I think in the past I've been guilty of having destroyed one or two drill bits, but nothing beyond that. It would be nice to access some of this hardware.. and not pay for it, but I guess those operations have to be financed somehow.
Oh, and I'm now suppose to do a 10 minute presentation for my microbiology class sometime within the upcoming month. It was originally going to focus on pig whip worms and their relation to autoimmune diseases, but I officially changed this "proposal" to the topic of genechip technology. It was mentioned during today's* lecture, and I just so happen to have one sitting on my desktop for no apparent reason. I believe it was Shelby's gift to me after attending that SWE conference back in '09 or '10? I've had it since and never really did any research on it. I guess I'll be killing birds with stones.
So really, I've nothing but some short storys to share. I'll update on the aforementioned projects with photos in the near future. My camera/phone is sort of not reliable at the moment. I can take photos, but in a very blind manner. I'm still under my parent's contract, but I can't say I'm a fan of Sprint's phone services or phone updates. I've definitely been looking into that new Nexus 4 that's about to come out, but I'm not sure if our plan will cover it. In fact, I'm almost doubtful. Sprint likes to keep control of what our phones do, they likely enjoy restricting the updates provided for us. Oh, and they keep spamming us with ads through their SMS system.. It is horrible, and I'm almost certain Sprint probably skins puppies for their fur and stuff. Also, I've been considering getting a tattoo for the longest time. Right now, this comes to mind. Really digging the spiky spiral concept. It reminds me much of a zerg theme; and yes, caffeine is my favorite chemical. <3
This is starting to seem more like a personal blog than a project-blog type of thing. It guess it doesn't matter. It's just an update. I had some problems with my Ubuntu OS a few days ago. For some reason my memory was starting to get used like crazy. Haven't been able to troubleshoot it. It got so bad that start up wouldn't let me log in without calling out some errors with graphic settings (lack of memory) not being configured right. It's an issue with the 30 Gb installation (easy enough). Luckily, most of my important data is saved on a different partition than the root install, so I simply uninstalled the OS and I'm currently in the process of a fresh install v12.1 (brute force solution). Oh, and my laptop doesn't have a CD tray. Also not relevant in a way, but I haven't been able to do a "full" installation since I never bothered to redo this with a big enough flash drive. I assume this process could lead to a partition greater than the standard 30 Gb, or there's probably a way to increase the size after allocating of the space? This could use some more looking into.
Friday, October 19, 2012
MicroBiol Coredump E2
- energy source types
- phototroph
- Get energy from light → photons
- chemotroph
- Get chemicals from inorganic chemicals
- lithotrophs – Get E from inorganic chemicals
- organotrophs – Get E from organic chems (C,H) at a min
- Carbon source types
- autotroph
- uses inorganic CO2
- mentions methanogens
- 4H2+CO2 → CH4+2H2O
- heterotroph
- Obtain C from organic form
- CHO's, proteins, lipids, etc
- Some combinations
- Photoautroph – E from light, C form CO2
- eg. Thermus aqnaticus
- Chemoheterotroph – energy from chem, carbon from organic source
- Replication/Partitioning
- 1 mother cell --> 2 daughter cells
- origin of replication → start copying DNA
- Septation/cytokenesis
- forms a ring in the center of the cell, attached to cell membrane
- add peptidoglycan
- Z-ring contracts → splits cell apart
- Lag phase
- adjusting to environment, gathering nutrients getting ready to divide
- Log/exponential phase
- rapid cell division, more cells being produced than dying
- Nf = (Ni)2n
- stationary
- net = 0, nutrients get used, waste products get made and kill off population
- death
- more cells dying than produced
- symbiotic
- @least needs the other to survive
- Mutualism
- both benefit
- Commensalism
- one benefits, the other is unaffected
- Parasitism
- One benefits, one is harmed
- //anytime we get sick..
- //Termite example:
- They don't have the enzymes needed to digest wood cellulose, but they have the enzyme cellulase
- protozoa have bacteria on/in it
- bacteria live on/in protozoa, helps them produce cellulase
- termite gets glucose
- err.. cellulose ---(with cellulase)--> glucose
- orgs xfered through silava
- another ex. Us e.coli, et other one
- e.coli will take O2 in our intestents, and little pocktes inbetween cells won't have O2
- now, there's bacteriodes → obligate anaerobes that live there. If they get hit with O2, they die
- non-symbiotic
- Synergism
- both benefit
- Antagonism
- one benefits, one is harmed
- ex. penicillum colony vs bacteria
- fungi produces toxin...
- interacts /w one another, does not need other to survive
- Some are beneficial, some are harmful
- Van Leeuwenboek via teeth scraping
- microbes grow together in close assocation
- symbiotic
- non-symbiotic?
- Bio-Films
- attachment
- Planktonic bacteria attachment
- inducer molecules releases
- these inducer molecules signal others to come over to initial attachment sites
- /w enough they'll eventually reach a quorum
- quorum
- number of individuals needed to start forming matrix/biofilm
- matrix development/maturation
- cells act as a single unit, not individuals
- matrix composition
- polysaccharides, Proteins,Fimbriae, Pili
- matrix function
- Protection
- film can block antibodies, keep antibodies from reaching cells
- Genetic exchange
- DNA binding proteins → help them hold onto DNA and maybe use it. One cell would spill its contents, another can pick I tup
- matrix structure
- differences in nutrients, temperatures, and oxygen levels
- There are a number of quorum-dependent proteins (qdp)
- inducer molecule → chromosome → qdp
- //nitch concentration differences?
- Top may offer most? These changes allow cells to behave differentially, than each other. They'll function as a unit and divide up tasks.
- //@ top, lots of O2 and it's used for respiration → ATP
- //at bottom, cells have acccess to a lot of nutrients
- //cells at top will produce a lot of energy that they'll share with cells at the bottom, while bottom cells share nutrients with them. Thus, a biofilm can act as a multicellular organism.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Core Dump: Microbiol Lab Notes
GS algorithm
- Saline+transferred bacteria ---> prepare smear, let air dry, then heat fix ~15s
- Add Crystal Violet, 1min, rinse with water
- Add Gram's iodine, 1min, rinse with water
- Add Gram's Alcohol, slant it**, it'll decolorize, then immediately rinse with water
- Counter stain safainin,1min, rinse with water
- Let dry with bibulous paper
- Saline+xfer bacteria ---> prepare smear, let air dry, then heat fix~15s
- Add carbolfuchsin, let stand 5min
- Add Acid-fast Alcohol, wash off last thing, then immediately rinse with water
- Add methylene blue, 1 min rinse with water
- let dry with bibulous paper
- if Gram stain +, we should see blue-purple stains on our organisms
- if Gram stain -, we should see red-pink stains on our organisms
- G variable is??? both, dependent on age, culture mix, etc.
- if acid-fast +, reddish-purple
- If acid-fast -, (methylene blue)
- Impossible to see. In a strepto arrangement they were the little dots between dead cells. Stain is forced within cell, and declorization removes stain in cells except spores. A counter stain will stain the cell but not spore. So spore can be seen as a different color
- an endospore is a dormant form of a bacterium that allows it to survive poor environment conditions. Some papers also attribute it to as a form of primitive egg laying since multiple copies can be saved. Regardless, RNA is conserved. In slide you see vegetative cells and spore mother cells.
- The capsule was not stained in our slides. The stained cells were covered by nothingness, blank, nada.
- remarks: capsules are composed to mucoid polysaccharides/polypeptides that repel most stains. So they stain around the cell by the technique. Acidic stain (negative***) stains background. And the basic stain colourizes the bacteria. Thus, the capsule remains unstained and we see a white halo (the nothingness)
- Also, the function is that a capsule increases virulence in microbes. They make them less vulnerable to phagocytosis. Helps in harsh environments, can live longer on doorknobs and stuff
- stain is forced within cell, and declorization removes stain in cells except spores. A counter stain will stain the cell but not spore. So spore can be seen as a different color
- an endospore is a dormant form of a bacterium that allows it to survive poor environment conditions. Some papers also attribute it to as a form of primitive egg laying since multiple copies can be saved. Regardless, RNA is conserved. In slide you see vegetative cells and spore mother cells.
- differential, enriched, selective media. G+/-, for HEA, EMB, MacConkey, BAPcoliform bacteria produces gas from lactose fermentation
selective: encourages specific, discourages other growth
differential: allows to distinguish between diff microbes
defined: chemicals are known and so is their composition
- undefined: composition is unknown; however ingredients are known
- NA is w/eb
- Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA) is an undefined, selective medium that encourages G+ and inhibits growth of most G- orgs. Not considered a differential medium since it doesn't distinguish between different orgs (I question this) it's considered selective**
- columbia CNA /w 5% SBA: undefined, differential, selective medium. Allows growth of G+and stops/inhibits G-.straphylococci, streptococci, enterococci love it
- concerning blood agar. Alpha hemolytic → (eats away, leaves a green partial clearing) gamma is nonhemolytic, beta is a complete hemolytic (all RBCs are hemolyzied, but not all)
- HEA Hektoen Enteric Agar
- selective differetial
- selective: choose between G+, G- (allows G- grow,not so much G+)
- differential based on G- (what species. Black color → salmonila)
- Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)
- complex(chem undef), slective, differential medium. Has peptone, lactose, sucrose, and dyes eosin Y /w methlyene blue.
- Dyes inhibit G+ orgs, rxn with lactose fermenter in acidc envoinrments.
result | interpretation | “presumptive ID” |
No growth (P) | inhibited | G+ |
Good growth (G) | Not inhibited | G- |
Pink and mucoid (Pi) | Lactose ferment, lil acid | Maybe coliform |
(purple, black wo green) (D) | Ferment lactose/sucrose lots of acid | X2Maybe coliform |
Colorless (C) | No rxn | Not coliform |
- MacConkey Agar
- selective+differentiam medium /w lactose, bile salts, neutral red, and CY.
- Inhibits growth of G+ orgs. Neutral red dye is a pH indicator. Red < 6.8 colorless otherwise
- Used to isolate and differentiate members of the Enterobacteriaceae
- remarks: if org. is a lacctose fermenter, it turns red/pink
Written Portion1.Magnification and Resolution. There is also contrast. We stain for this some. Impossible to get 10Kx with a light microscope (text) blue light?
- Algorithm: emulsion
- set-up includes the staining tray
- place drop of water /saline on clean slide if not staining from a broth culture
- aseptically add bacteria to water/saline. Mix and spread out.
- Adding it to saline causes a dilute solution. smear concentration/cell densities affects stain
- Flame it to heat fix.
- heat fixing kills the bacteria, makes adhere to slide, and coagulates their protein for a better staining. This could distort cells, and create aerosols.
- Let air dry, if done correctly should be cloudy
Negative stains not discussed, but they have neg charged chromogen, repelled by bacteria, and … heat fixing need not be invloved.
- gram stain is a differential stain because it divides bacteria into two classes, gram + (purple) and gram – (pink)
- cells from fresh culture are xfer to a clean slide and allowed to dry. If from agar plate, first xfer to a liquid medium for dilution. create thin, barely visible film. You must smear. fresh culture should be used since as cells age, they'll lose their ability to retain the stain. Fix cells on slide by heating (Bunsen burner, slide should feel warm afterwards)
- Stain with basic dye – crystal violet for 30-40s, then rinse to remove excess stain. Cells appear purple under microscope
- Add Gram's Iodine solution and retain on slide for ~1min. Iodine combines with crystal violet to form a dye-iodine complex. This decreases its solubility within the cell. Cell still appears purple. This means it prevents it from being dissolved?
- Decolorated by washing with ethanol or acetone. This is the differential step. G+ bacterial will retain the crystal violet, but gram negative bacteria do not. Add ethanol/acetone drop-wise, /w slide tilted at an angle. Do this until drops coming off edge start to become colorless
- WARNING: even gram + cells can lose the crystal violet-iodine complex if decloration is excessive. wash excessive ethanol with water. At this point G+ are purple and G- are colorless.
- The rinse cells are covered with a counter-stain called “safrainin” for 20-30s. This will make G- bacteria pink. Rinse with water and dry with filter paper
- two methods. Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) and Kinyoun (K) methods. K is coldstain*. We do coldstain
- carbolfuchsin is a phenolic compound
the acid-alcohol is (95% ethanol + 3% HCL), the carbolfuchsin would differ based on method
- prep smear. they recommend sheep serum vs water, but I always use saline solution. But continue on with heat-fix.
- Apply Kinyoung carbolfuchsin stain for 5min. Don't remember if it smells, but don't breath this in. rinse with water
- declorize with acid-alcohol, not to excess until run off is clear
- counterstain with something, (methylene blue) for a min. then rinse with water
- blot dry with bibulous paper or paper towels
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
ME402 Some Overview Notes ch 8,9,10
- well conditioned systems are ones where a small change in one or more of the coefficients results in a small change in the solutoin
- Ill-conditioned systems are those where small changes in coefficients result in large changes in the solution.
- an ill conditioned system is one in which the determinant is close to 0
if slopes = 0, then they're the same line or there is no soln...
But, determinant is a relative factor affected by the scales of its cofactors?- Slopes are same... x1x2 - y1y2 = 0, etc etc
use more sig.figs.
only operations with matrix coeffs, also if you have many right sided bectors [B] you just need to solve one coeff matrix[A].
- 2 fundamental issues. Sometimes non-convergent, if it does, it does so slowly maybe
- partial derivative thingy.. basically the absolute values of the slopes must be less than unity to ensure convergence, so if a 2x2, then |a12/a11| < 1 and |a21/a22| < 1, but this is a sufficient and not necessary condition for congergence...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Ambiguity of Voting UNLV 2012
Considering my lack of politician participation in about everything, I find myself wondering why I get involved sometimes. Of course, I would rather see some senators be seated over others, so I suppose there is an inclination to vote. And indeed, I am an advocate of a "fair vote". There's a case to make for this here.
My voting experience today consists of this little story:
It's to my knowledge that the undergraduate college at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas has moved from using an older platform known as OrgSync to one with greater functionality dubbed I haven't explored it entirely yet, but all of our data from the previous site has been ported over. This was done during the summer or sometime.
One of the appealing functions of was the secure voting and it's here where a question I have arises. At UNLV, we're on our 2nd day of student government elections. I just voted, and here are 3 screen shots I would like to share with you all.
photo 1.0
photo 1.1
photo 1.2
[At this point let me state that I've always been a fan of the "None of the Above" option, and that I very much dislike my state for vanquishing it this upcoming election.]
I wanted to know if anyone was only getting 2 pages in their "ballot". With that stated, notice how I'm forced to vote for 6 out of the 8 Rebel Yell advisory board members.. I'm being forced to select these people. To be honest, the main criteria was on how long their last names were. But, also notice how I was given the option to vote for these members twice.
Now notice how I'm actually voting for 5 senators, 2 from one, and 3 from another college. Apparently my self and others like me are more special. Not only does our voting get counted more than yours, but I was asked (on two separate occasions) to vote for these [RY] board members. Or more like, forced to vote for some of them twice! Now I don't remember, but now I'm wondering if this system would have allowed me to click on submit without having everything checked on as required. It's doubtful, seeing as "required" is placed up there.
What should I make of this? I'm not too sure at the moment. I'm an undergraduate majoring in two degrees within two different colleges at UNLV. Is this voting system really fair? And how many of these votes actually get counted? I believe today is a day to admire the intelligence of those that call themselves "ballot creators." It's a user error, or maybe we should blame
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Valley of Fire: The White Domes
At the visitor center to the state park, we looked around at the mini museum they had set up. We met these little guys. The formal one is Dipsosaurus dorsalis a.k.a "desert iguana." I forgot which species the latter one was. It was eating broccoli from a water tray after this photo was taken. We seen many more of these, mostly around 4-7inches throughout the park. At one point, we spotted one that could only be between 2.0-2.5 feet from head to tail. This was an estimate made from 50+ ft away, but it was gigantic (and it moved fast for it's size). The thing was big enough to hunt sparrows. Poor sparrows. These two lizards are known to typically grow up to 16 in. in length.
From the visitor center if you take the adjacent road northward, you'll pass through several trail heads. At the very end, there's an area know as the "White Domes." There's a short ~1.2 mi. trial here that leads to a unique place known as a split canyon, or "narrows." It was such a beautiful place, and I reckon the area would have looked even better under direct sunlight. So around 11 to noon. We arrived here roughly at 9 A.M.
These are probably some of the best photos I took of the park.
This one is of a view above
Yours truly on the left, my amigo companion on the right. I had the better camera :X
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Unflitered Thoughts
I'm getting philosophical right now. I think, the mind is trained to react to the caffine like this. I'm so inspired! Also, turns out, I don't have 4 exams next week. Just two, so the load just got off my shoulder, but it's a good thing too because it reveals to me just how nervous and uncomfortable I am about two of those exams in particular.
Okay so, the mind is conscience right? And most would define consciousness as being self awareness. I'm recalling a conversation I had with Derick over at a buffet a couple months back. We were talking about mediums of consciousness, how, in us humans, it's the organic brain and how the mechanism for consciousness is the neuron impulses subjected to it every millionth of a second.
Now, that medium could be anything, a computer, an animal, plant, virus. We diverged into a conversation of self sustaining mediums, and reckoned if that's how a god could exist. What if god, or "G"od was a sort of 4th dimensional consciousness existing through a self sustaining medium?
It isn't something entirely new, it's just all this thinking about photons and radiation. Light, for example is nothing more than a variety of electromagnetic radiation with it's properties being delivered through the two "kinds" of interacting waves. It's a mathematical phenomenal, yet one we're able to graph and calculate it to a level of certainty. In the same context that we can theoretically create a computer out of nothing but water pipes, what if somewhere, in the biology of existence such a "conscience" came to be? It's a plausibility that at somepoint in the noise of chaos, a god might actually exist.
Consider the fact that are known universe is sifnicantly bigger than..
Okay, not a valid argument. But, coming back to the point of this. Being self-aware is a vague area. I was looking at the treeoflife website and noticed how they put dashes "---" on the virus taxon. They're not self repulicating, they're not "organisms", they're not "alive", but they're able to exist, and act based on the chemical interactions they're coded for.
Humm.. that would imply there was a purpose. By coded for I mean, well, chemical interactions really: the potential for electron transfer. Okay, "coded for." A virus is just as conscience as a computer. A computer is potentially another type of primitive life form. I would also argue that a computer was intelligently design, thanks to the wonderful engineers over at IBM.
And then how would we define being self aware? A simple definition usually comes by the question, "know I exist?" I'm sure a virus doesn't ask itself that. Conscienss through an electrical-semi-conducting medium a.k.a com-put-ter, is almost like creating life, or something living. Life, is defined in biology with a certain list of attributes. Being able to reproduce, etc. etc. I think such definitions as these are conservative and need to be relooked at. These.. axioms, are too restrictive. In fact, they're not MY axioms. Someone else just made them up, and I'm wondering why we continue to silently agree with them. Let's rethink our axioms, except for when they show up on exams... =[
I just did a google search on "virus vs computer" and did not get what I was expecting.
This is something worth looking into more. I think the proper phrase is, "..certainly, something worth further investigation."
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Another day at CES
I uploaded around ~< 200 photos onto the Facebook. album = "2012 CES", profile = "/Oilxuj", privacy = "public". Feel free to use the photos for anything your heart desires. If you want the originals, I have most of 'em saved onto a hard drive. Send an e-mail and I can look them up for you.
Friday, January 13, 2012
A 2012 Entry
The point of having a webog is to share. Usually a well written log differs from a simple enough comment post on a social site. But, this is a social site. The only thing I'm thinking of selling is fragmented thoughted ideas. My ideas, or remarks. It's a personal web log. Perhaps this thing can serve as an alternative to social networking postings? But, Blogger dosn't seem so integrated with the typical services that I normally use. That anybody normally uses for that matter.
I fought against eg.machine yesterday. The privilage was mine and so was the loss. To my defense, I am a noob and have not done a melee 1v1 game in 10 months. Regardless, they gave me a signed poster and I'm contemplating ebaying this. How much is a man's signature worth?